viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Human thinking...

One of the things that I think is interesting is the Human Thinking. Some years ago, I saw that many friends did things that I don't understand, and many of them fought because they had different thinking about how the world is... In that moment, I started to question myself why the people fight and discuss for all the topics, and I understood that definitely all the people are different.
I decided study psychology because I wanted to understand the different thinking and action of the people, and in this university I understand a few of how the people think... but the problem was that even the explications of it depends of the way of thinking of the person that teach me this topics. For example, isn't the same the way to think for a Psychoanalyst or to a Humanist, but both having their own theory about how the people think... so, I learned about how the people think in the same time that I learn many different ways to understand it.
I have a really complicated relationship with this topic, because I love try to understand the people and try to know how they do it; but also I am so frustrating because I can't understand all the complexity of it. I know that probably I never arrive to a definitely answer to the question ¿how the people think? but I feel that it is a question that is part of my life, is a style of life and I decided live it... It has many advantages like the constant search of a explanation, with the possible personal grown that it imply; but It also has many disadvantages like the constant anxiety to not find the answer, or the many mental confusion that it imply.
An example of the complex and different of the human thinking is the point of view of the characters of "batman: the dark night". I love this film because show that the characters fight for their own thinking: Batman for a thinking of protect and confidence of the world, The Joker with the thinking that all the world could be burned and corrupt, Harvey "two faces" with the thinking that the people aren't fair and that the only fair is the luck, and finally Gordon that think that the people could do the correct, but only if the conditions of the environment permit it.

I know that this topic is one of the most complexes because include all that the people do, and that this question has many different names like "religions, ideology, paradigm, etc", but the bottom is the same: "try to understand ourselves..." 

4 comentarios:

  1. I have the same motivation as, you understand the different thinking and action of the people... I would like to be easy...

  2. The question for the psychology is not other thing that the question for the human condition, our own life. I don't know if I can enjoy all the areas of the discipline, but I knew I realized a good choose when I decided to stay in this faculty.

  3. wow.... I didn´t know this about you. Is so lovely know others people that feels the same thinks.

  4. It is an interesting topic. This is also why I find it interesting to read about research on the brain. And it is wonderful there is so much diversity in humans. Otherwise, the world would be a terribly boring place.
