viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Manuel Rodríguez... Son of the Rebellion

Well, this week I need talk you about the greatest Chilean of all time, and I think that the best character in the History of Chile is Manuel Rodríguez.
Manuel Rodríguez was a lawyer in the time of the Independence of Chile, in the century XIX. He fought against the Spaniards who get the control of Chile. Manuel Rodríguez saw that the situation wasn't the better and he decided became in a guerrilla, meeting with bandits and poor people to make a revolution...
He don't fought just against the Spaniards, but also against some Chileans that don't like how he could fought with bandits... even, he had to fight against the General Captain Bernardo O'Higgins, who gave the order to kill him when Manuel was carried to a jail (under the charge of treason).
I think that his deeds was important because with him the people knew how fight for their freedom, and also because he help in different combats in all the country, even bound with the working-class. In addition to it, he got much information cheating Spaniards, using his great intelligence... all this with the help of his friends: Carrera brothers. 
If I met Manuel Rodríguez, I ask to him what is the real reason from the hate between him and O’Higgins, because the both sharing a really bad relation, fighting the both against the Spaniards and against themselves.

Finally, I think that Manuel Rodríguez is an example from the popular power... A power that isn't bound to a particular political party, but an ideology of Freedom and Justice...

domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014

Fiestas Patrias...

Well, I need tell you about Fiestas Patrias... I celebrate Fiestas Patrias with my family, almost always in the church's inn. My family and I participate in this inn all night; but in the day, we join with uncles, grandparents and cousins to share a great lunch, or to make a great roast...
The past year, we did the same; we went to the church's inn and we dance all night, drinking "terremoto" and dancing "cueca"... even I won a cueca's championship that was in the inn.
The best Fiestas Patrias that I remember was when I had 14... I went to a inn in Parque O'Higgins with my grandmother, my uncle my cousin and my brother... we ate breaded and we dance cueca... it was a great day! I think that this day was so good because I was with my family, the people that saw how I grew... I love them and I feel that all moments with them are great....
I think that many activities of Fiestas Patrias are very funny, like rayuela or the greasy pole... I think these activities are a great reflex of our customs... I like the Cueca, because is a dance with romance, flirting and play... all that I need...
About the Chilean rodeo, I think that is an activity that was a sport in the past, but that today is inconceivable because it causes much unnecessary suffering to a defenseless animal...
I really love the Chilean customs, but I think that in this time the people could understand that some things are unnecessary to preserve the culture... and I love the Chilean culture

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014


Well! This week I need talk you about a TV programme that I enjoyed when I was a kid: and I choose Pokémon. This programme is about the adventures of a kid that live in a world with creatures called pokémon. The pokémon are creatures with powers and they are from different kinds: Water, Fire, Grass, Rock, Ghost, Psychic, etc... Sometimes, this pokémon could participate in battles, where they demonstrate his strength, skills and strategy game. The story passes around Ash, a kid who wants to be a Pokémon Master. Ash has a pokémon who are also his best friend: Pikachu, and also with his Pokémon Team (what includes Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charizard ,Pidgeotto and Kingler) . They travel the Kanto region searching adventures, friends and trying to get the medals of the 8 different Pokémon Gym. To get these medals, he needs win a battle against each one of the Gym Leaders, and then, when he could get the 8 medals, he could register in the Pokémon League, challenging Pokémon Teams of the entire region in a competence.

This programme was showed in 1996, but today it continues in the TV programming with new seasons and new pokémon... I like pokémon because it shows me a new world with challenges, adventures, friendship, values and emotions... I remember that more of once I cried for a sad moment in the chapter of the day, or I laughed with the situations into it... Especially I love a ghost pokémon called Gengar (who is in the found of my blog) because is a funny and dark pokémon who jokes people... and to conclude this post, I want to give you a little moment with him and his friends...