viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

The Joker...

Well, this week need to talk about a free topic, and I choose talk about The Joker. He is a character from the film and comics of "Batman". The Joker is a maniacal criminal and the archenemy of Batman, and he spend his life scared Gotham City with his plans and his scars around his mouth... all with a black humor and clown's make up.
The real name of The Joker is Jack Napier, who was a simple criminal in Gotham City; but a night all his life fell down.One story tells us that in a unknown place of Gotham City, he fell down on acid, reason that explain his deformed face... Other story tells us that the scars of his face were a gift of his father, a drunk.
The Joker has got an interesting see of the world. He thinks that the entire world could burn, even the best person on the Earth. For this reason, he try to corrupt the good persons in Gotham City, i the same time that he fight against Batman; Here is the born of a particular idea of The Joker, and this is that he don't want that Batman disappear, because he need someone to don't be boring.
The Joker is a maniacal person that wants to see the world in flames... He hasn't a reason to be bad, he only is a dog that runs back to the wheels of the cars; if he catches a car, he will not  know what to do.
I consider that this character is really interesting because has a view of the world that are different to the other people, because he is a man that live all his days like if the each one was the last, and also he understand that all the people has the freedom to decide if want to be a great or a bad person... this values aren't a Human constitution.

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014


Hi! Today, I want to tell you about a great country that I want to go: Italy. I think that this country is a great place because it had much History in his streets, with his people and with his food... I love the Italian food.
I don't know so much about Italy, but I think that the people that live here would be so nice, with much personality and much culture. I remember television series like Marco, an Italian boy that was looking for his mother; in this series the people had a great aspect.
Italy is a Cultural Center of the World, because many artists lived here, especially in "The Reborn", where artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Rafael Sanzio created their masterpieces.
If someday I could go to here, I'll go to the first restaurant that I found and I'll eat all that I could eat: Pizzas, Pastas, etc. Then, I'll visit the museums of arts or the church on the area... maybe and if I have lucky, I could know Venecia, the city with water's streets.
Maybe I could study in Italy someday, but I'm not sure of this because I don't speak Italian, and also I don't have where live here... So I believe that if I'll go to Italy someday, it just will be to travel the place...
Well, I think that this is all that I know of this beautiful country... But maybe someday I'll discovered more of it...